Our Club aims to be accessible to children and families from all sections of our local community. Admission to the club is organised by the Manager and we use a waiting list system when the need arises. The waiting list will be operated on a first come-first served basis, with the exception of siblings who will have priority for the same days as a sibling already attending. See our Admission and Fees Policy for more details.
We require a completed set of registration forms for your child before they can attend the club. This information will be treated as confidential and will be stored appropriately.
Re-enrolment for September is required at the end of the summer term. We cannot keep a place open for your child unless you complete a new registration form or spoken to the Manager.
Payment of fees
The current fees are £7.10 per child per one hour session, £14.20 for a two hour session or £21.30 for a three hour session. All sessions start at 3pm. Fees not paid at bookings are payable in arrears by cash, bank transfer or childcare vouchers. We accept vouchers from the following schemes Edenred Childcare Vouchers, Government tax-free Scheme and Computershare. We can apply to accept other vouchers from different schemes if necessary, please check with the Manager. Cheques should be made payable to DENISE ASQUEZ.
The price per session per child applies to all children (Family 10% discount) . Please remember this is a TERMTIME ONLY setting.
We do not charge for bank holidays and professional training days. Invoices will be issued on booking and will be due by the end of the month. Please ensure that fees are paid promptly. Non-payment for more than one month may result in your place being suspended. If you are having difficulty paying fees, please speak in confidence to the Manager
Arrivals and departures
Early Chillout opens at 7am. Your child is encouraged to have breakfast before going to school. There are some activities and resources available and your childs preferences are taken into account when setting up. The children leave St. Stephens Church Centre at 8.30 when our staff escort them to School. Our staff drop off/collect children from St. Georges School Woodlands, St. Georges School Towers or Kendall Primary School and escort them to the Centre. A register is taken when children arrive in our care, and you must sign out your child each day when you collect them. This register is for Health and Safety reasons and does not reflect the times as charged. We expect that your child will normally be collected by the people you have named on the registration form. If you need a different person to collect your child on a particular day, you must notify us in advance. If the person is not known to us we will agree a password for the person picking up. We will not release your child into the care of a person unknown to us without a password and your authorisation.
See our Arrivals and Departures Policy for more details.
Behaviour (children)
Children and staff have created rules for acceptable behaviour whilst at the Club. These are displayed at the Club for everyone to see and reviewed at the beginning of the academic year or when necessary.
We have a clear Behaviour Management Policy, a copy of which is distributed to all parents and carers:
The Club promotes the ethos of care, consideration and respect for everyone attending: children, staff and visitors.
We encourage appropriate behaviour through: praise for good behaviour; emphasis on co-operative play and sharing; talking to children with the courtesy that we expect from them and engaging children in activities.
The Club has procedures for dealing with unacceptable behaviour. We recognise that poor behaviour can occur from time to time for reasons that are not always evident, or as a result of special needs. We will try to be flexible in order to accommodate such cases.
However, if your child is violent, or if their behaviour poses an immediate danger to themselves or others, we will require you to collect them from the Club immediately. See our Suspensions and Exclusions Policy for full details.
Here is some of the things we do.
Here is some of the things we do.
Even when its snowing!
Even when its snowing!