If you are looking for childcare for your child before or afterschool, you have come to the right place
Located at
St. Stephens Church Centre
This is a lovely centre consisting of various rooms. We are will be using the Hall for all Early Chillout sessions and most sessions for Afterschool Chillout. We will also be using the Playroom which has direct access to an outdoor area for the sessions when the Hall is not available.
We value our relationship with parents/carers and are committed to working in partnership with you to provide top quality play and care for your children. We will:
• Welcome you at all times to discuss our work, have a chat or take part in our activities.
•Keep you informed of opening times, fees and charges, programmes of activities, menus, and procedures.
•Be consistent and reliable to enable you to plan with confidence and peace of mind.
•Share and discuss your child's achievements, experiences, progress, and friendships.
•Be available to discuss decisions about running the club.
•Ask your permission for outings and special events.
•Listen to your views and concerns to ensure that we continue to meet your needs.